Access Keys:

Gilbrook School, Birkenhead, Wirral
Happy Christmas - We're back to school on TUESDAY 7th JANUARY 2024
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Gilbrook is a non-denominational primary school catering for boys and girls aged 5 to 11 who are experiencing social, emotional and mental health difficulties.

Pupils are usually admitted following the issue of an Education, Health and Care Plan (or Statement of Special Educational Needs) although exceptionally, and in consultation with the Headteacher, arrangements may be made for a pupil to be admitted for the purpose of assessment. All admissions are carefully planned to attempt to ensure a successful integration to maintain a well-ordered learning environment for all pupils.

Pupils should be capable of functioning within a small group for the majority of the school day. There is insufficient support available in the normal staffing ratio for pupils who need excessive amounts of staff time.

Ideally, pupils should not have been out of school for extended periods of time. For pupils who have been out of school for long periods, or who would benefit from a phased admission, an Access Plan will be developed in consultation with all relevant parties. Pupils are admitted following consultations between the Local Authority, parents and Headteacher.

Preventing bullying, including cyber-bullying and homophobic bullying, is a priority for Gilbrook School and it is made clear that no racial harassment or racist incidents will be tolerated.

Aims and Objectives
To ensure that:
• arrangements enable parents’ preferences to be met to the fullest extent possible
• criteria are clear, fair and objective
• parents have easy access to helpful information
• the arrangements comply with the law.

Parents’ Right of Appeal
• parents (not pupils) have the right of appeal against a refusal to admit their child to a particular school.


Admissions Policy