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Gilbrook School, Birkenhead, Wirral
Half Term 17th - 21st February - See you all on Monday 24th
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School Uniform

Our school uniform is:

  • Maroon sweatshirt or cardigan with or without the school badge.
  • White polo shirt with or without the school badge.
  • Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore dress.
  • Grey shorts or red check dresses can be worn in the summer.
  • Sensible, comfortable black shoes or smart trainers. NO astroturf blades/studs 

You can bring some slippers in school to wear during the day.

Children should come to school in their PE Kit on their PE day. 

  • A plain white t-shirt.
  • Maroon or Black shorts.
  • Pumps or trainers.

Tuesday - Team Nemo, Team Griffin & Team Shackleton. 

Wednesday - Team Phoenix, Team Armstrong. 

Thursday - Team Marvel, Team Dolittle. 

Uniform with the Gilbrook badge  is available to buy from Wirral Uniform Centre, opposite Argos in Birkenhead, in Hoylake,  and online at My Clothing Ltd for Gilbrook School
Plain Maroon sweatshirts/cardigans and plain white polo shirts are also available at all most local supermarkets.

We do lots of work outside in the farm and the gardens so we also recommend you bring some wellies  to keep in school.    (We also welcome any grown out of wellies to keep in school as spares).

  • Long hair must be tied back.
  • No make up or nail varnish.
  • No jewellery should be worn.
  • If your child wears a watch, it must NOT be a smart watch with direct internet access.

Digital technology

Many of our children will use a digital device for music or games on transport to and from school.    On arrival in school they should be handed to class staff who will store them in the safe until home time.   No devices are allowed to be kept in bags or pockets during the day.    Whilst we endeavour to look after such devices,  Gilbrook School will not accept any responsibility for the loss or damage to any digital devices that are brought into school.


Named lost property is returned to pupils as soon as possible. However, we have a number of items still unclaimed. If it not named it is difficult to reunite items with pupils.  Staff try hard to make sure that pupils return home with all of the uniform they came in with.  However, it is your responsibility to name their uniform.


Valuable items should not be brought to school., if you child has a phone or electronic device for use on transport then it must be handed in to class staff and it will be locked away until the end of the day.  The school is not liable for the loss of these personal items if they have not been handed it as per procedures.


If you think your child may have lost something in school please email your child’s teacher to arrange to view lost property at a mutually convenient time.