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Gilbrook School, Birkenhead, Wirral
Half Term 17th - 21st February - See you all on Monday 24th
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Branch is an online
mental wellbeing hub
for children and
young people in
Wirral, from 0 all
the way to 18 (and
up to 25 with
additional needs).
It doesn't deliver
services directly
– it's more of a
guide, helping
people to find the
best tools and local
Family Toolbox
While the site shows
all of the
organisations on
Wirral that work to
support children,
young people and
families, the Family
Toolbox team have
committed to making
their support free
from criteria,
referrals and
thresholds, so that
you and your family
can access support
as and when you feel
you need it. The
organisations behind
the Family Toolbox
are: Caritas
Shrewsbury, Ferries
Families, Foundation
Years Trust, Koala
North West,
Shaftesbury Youth
Club and WEB.
Open Door Charity
e shape change by
offering unique,
programmes in
settings, using
shared lived
experience as a
driving force in the
creation and
implementation of
our support options.
Our services are
free and without
waiting lists,
focusing on creating
lasting, impactful
change in our
communities and
The School is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites. We recommend adult supervision for all links to external sites.